iMessage not working on Mac? Here is a fix

This post will help you to fix iMessage app not working on Mac when you fail to deliver iMessage from your device. Most common problems include iMessages on Mac sierra receiving but not sending and not syncing properly with ios devices.

This post will surely help to solve your problem with iMessage app. Try this below given fixes and comment.

Is iMessage down?

Many times the app service becomes unavailable. The fault, in this case, is not on your device but it is some server side problem that you can check using Apple system status page. On this page search for iMessage and check if it is green. The green dot indicates that it is healthy and available.

Enable account

Ensure that the instant messaging app is not disabled on your device. To ensure follow these steps,

  1. Go to 'Messages' from the iMessages top menu.
  2. Under that click on 'Preference'.
  3. Now go to account and check 'Enable this account'
iMessage not delivered from Mac or not sync with iPhone.

Now quit that app and sign out from mac. Restart and sign in again. This should fix not working instant messaging app on your High Sierra.
